Thursday, December 9, 2021

Everything to know about Metal cutting bandsaw Machine and industrial automation in India

Ideally, the Metal cutting bandsaw Machine is one of the most versatile machines that can easily create curved cuts and resaw lumber in thin pieces. Some of the perks of Metal cutting bandsaw machines for industrial automation in india are given here.

• The bandsaw is way different from a jigsaw as it can cut quite fast. Additionally, your work is more transparent, so following one line is seamless. A bandsaw is likely to allow you to cut through a thick material featuring a straight cut. While cutting through dense material, a scroll saw tends to wander, so curved cuts become more straight at 90 degrees. A band saw, on the other hand, will produce a straight amount on any curve. 

• Minimum waste- the bandsaw blade is relatively narrow than the chainsaw blade, so Suppliers choose to use iot blogs in india. The thickness result is relatively small. This also leads to minimum sawdust and which helps in minimizing waste material. Furthermore, a bandsaw allows you to resaw lumber. It is mainly the process of cutting any board into tiny pieces. When you resaw lumber, you can create several thin boards from one large thick part. Above all, it helps you in cutting down the costs and also reduces the waste at the same time.

• Above all, bandsaws are pretty friendly to use thanks to low impact feature here. The bandsaw blade mainly cuts in a downward position which keeps your workplace healthy as there will be a minimum risk of injury. Then table saw, the bandsaw is relatively safer for several cuts. You need always to wear safety goggles and ensure blade assembly is not more than 5 mm above your workpiece. You need to avoid cutting the round the clock on any bandsaw. The stock must be flat on a table.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Technical Innovations and Industrial Automation in India in Oil Industry

Among the eight core industries, the oil and gas industry plays a significant role because of its link to the energy sector. Technology and industrial automation in India are improving, and their impact has changed the way we deal with manufacturing processes. But the biggest impact is because of IOT and smart devices because it reduces human intervention and improves the accuracy of data collection. Knowing how long a reserve will last or how long it will take for the oil to reach its destination helps reduce the cost incurred in its transportation and storage.

Industrial Automation in India - Wadco Business Solutions

Drive Towards Conservation

Global fuel reserves will become nil within the next 50 years. It is time to rethink the way we use non-replenishable fossil fuels. Because of the significant growth of industrial automation in India, we have discovered many new ways of conserving oil. One such is vapor recovery during the transportation of oil. Another is the use of internal floating roofs in oil tanks. These innovations can help improve oil conservation by 10% and this will stretch the oil reserves for a longer time.

India is a Major Player

You can read about these technologies in the IOT blogs in India. Exploring new places and drilling new wells is essential for getting more revenue. The market size for crude oil in India has risen from $70.71 billion in 2016-17 to $101.4 billion in 2019-20. As the biggest non-OECD petroleum consumer, India is the second-largest refiner in Asia with a capacity of 239.91 million metric tonnes. The petroleum and natural gas sector attracted FDI worth $7.89 billion for the period 2000-2020.

Improved Contribution by IIOT

Apart from fleet management and stopping fuel waste through vapor recovery, IOT helps in cutting equipment downtime by efficient monitoring methods. There is automation possible in various processes because of the superior device and process control. The IOT blogs in India tell us how the safety of drivers increases through the adoption of the IIOT technology.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Bulk Logistics Solutions in India with High-Precision Monitoring in Oil

India is the second-largest consumer of crude oil after China among the non-OECD countries. It produced 35.68 MTs of crude petroleum in 2017-18 accounting for 0.92% of the total world production. It also produced 254.4 MT of petroleum products among which high-speed diesel oil and motor gasoline were prominent. Transporting and storing this vast amount of oil presents a challenge to the provider of bulk logistics solutions in India. There also is the problem of loss of oil through evaporation during the transportation and storage.

Bulk Logistics Solutions in India - Wadco Business Solutions

Problems faced by Transportation Companies

They produce oil in remote areas, often at offshore locations, and then transport it to towns where they need oil. Solution providers who are experts in bulk logistics management help the manufacturers use integrated supply and trading solutions. Often, the movement of the fleet carrying the oil has a Control Tower function to help in tracking. The bulk logistics solutions in India are tedious because of the expanse of the country and the different terrain one encounters.

Time is of the Essence

India imports plenty of crude oil. This is because of inadequate petroleum reserves. Demand-supply forecasting and planning help the logistics providers move material fast. The timely distribution is essential during manufacturing in oil and gas because there will be no place otherwise for the fresh stock. Quick handling of inbound and outbound transportation, customs services, inventory management, and value-added services helps integrate functionality with volume.

Integrating IOT with Logistics

To improve the coordination during the transportation and storage, the service providers use IOT gadgets to coordinate activities and get data. Using this data, they build a future network for the movement of material. During manufacturing in oil and gas, it is vital to understand and put in place the best practices such as vapor recovery for the conservation of oil.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Read About the Latest Technologies IoT Blogs in India

Among the various developments in technologies, the advancement in IT has reached all sectors of the commercial and domestic industries. Detailed information about this is present in the iot blogs in India. Factory optimization is necessary because of the need to adapt to the machines and make effective use of other processes. Many opportunities arise due to industrial automation. Automotive and agricultural industries need many changes to induct new technologies.

IoT Blogs in India - Wadco Business Solutions

Industrial Automation in Manufacturing

Factory automation is necessary to maintain competitiveness and help with modernization. We read in the iot blogs in India about India emerging as one of the top sourcing destinations. To cater to the growing demand, the manufacturing sector is scaling up industrial automation. On the sales side, IT helps in business planning and market assessment. To get a clear idea, it must use many data and combine several analyses. IoT helps create interactive gadgets to improve processes.

Rise of Demand for Automation

The global industrial automation will reach $296.70 billion by 2026 from $157.04 billion in 2018. The industrial automation in India will grow at 5% from $5 billion to reach $4.43 billion by 2023. The first step is to identify the areas of performance and challenges and develop an effective roadmap to put in place and structure the plan. By using¯ practical advice from the IT team, you can improve business efficiency. It helps you watch and check field conditions.

Combining Emerging Technologies

The new journey begins with the innovative design and improving the operational efficiency of machines. Design of workplace and arrangement of the tools is an integral part of industrial automation in India. Big data and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. Virtual reality and augmented reality have vast implications in the use of automation and designing of technology. It helps to maximize existing assets and co-innovating with them to transform and adapt.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Internal Floating Roof in India for Storing Fluids

Made from a variety of materials such as stainless steel, hybrid, and aluminum, this kind of roof falls into two categories: non-contact and full contact. The Internal Floating Roof in India floats up and down with the level of the liquid to separate air from the fluid, there is a seal gland floating between the tank wall and floating roof in the annular space. We like this kind of roof because compared to the fixed roof the evaporation losses come down by 80%. It is one of the two types of floating roofs the other being the external floating roof.

Internal Floating Roof in India - Wadco Business Solutions

Protection from the Elements

Separating the liquid from the air helps reduce pollution and the risk of explosion. Both external and Internal Floating Roof in India help decrease evaporation losses. They will prevent the pollution of the liquid with dirt and dust by snow, wind, and rain. So, we call them the all-weather storage tanks. The breathing loss occurs during the transfer of fluids from and to the tanks. When feeding oil, the pressure of the gas in the tank increases. If this reaches the mechanical pressure limit, automatic changes to the breather valve takes place.

Losses During Transfer of Fluids

In the same way, when the oil flows out of the tank, there is a reduction in the oil pressure. This negative pressure allows an intake of air. The breathing valve allows this air to flow in. We call this loss because of the oil vapors and the intake of air big breathing loss. In the oil and gas industries, pipeline failure occurs due to corrosion. In the United States alone, the oil well corrosion cost happens to the tune of $5.7 to $9.3 billion.

Many kinds of corrosion exist. Among them pitting oil well corrosion causes the most damage. It is difficult to detect and the growth rate is high. Over 90% of the corrosion failures were due to pitting corrosion.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dealing with Oil Well Corrosion

When any surface gets corroded, water is one of the primary agents causing corrosion, especially for metal surfaces. According to estimates & reports, the companies in the Petroleum sector suffer huge losses every year due to corrosion. Oxygen is the key agent which plays an important role in the oil well corrosion process. Additionally, the presence of corrosive substances such as hydrogen sulphide or carbon dioxide can also exacerbate the corrosion process. We can protect the surface against oil well corrosion by placing an insulating barrier on the surface of the oil wells. Thus, the tanks would last longer for any kind of storage applications for longevity & sustainability of the oil wells.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Bulk Logistics Solutions in India

 Food-grade dry bulk solutions are well known for their efficiency and cleanliness. To cater to this, service providers in this segment make use of the latest technologies such as mechanized bagging and warehousing. The top providers of bulk logistics solutions in India handle end-to-end logistic services that can be customized as per the client’s requirements. So, the client can choose between bulk and break-bulk logistics.

Best solutions for Dry Bulk Logistics

Ground-breaking innovations in the transportation of Petroleum & bulk petroleum products is essential for achieving high operational efficiency. Bulk logistics solutions must remain seamless in the Indian weather conditions for such transportation. This ensures the use of specified solutions that help in protecting the material being transported and prevents any kind of contamination & spillage. A customer-centric approach which primarily focuses on timely delivery & maximizing efficiency leads to higher operating margins.

Everything to know about Metal cutting bandsaw Machine and industrial automation in India

Ideally, the Metal cutting bandsaw Machine is one of the most versatile machines that can easily create curved cuts and resaw lumber in thin...